Dog Park Essentials: What To Bring

Dog Park Essentials: What to Bring

Read below to learn what essentials to pack the next time you plan a trip to the dog park!

1. Leash

Safety is our number one priority when it comes to our furry friends. So, it would be best always to use a leash outside the dog park’s boundaries. This is true even if it is a short walk from the car to the park entrance. We want to ensure your pal is safe and won’t run away or get hit by cars. Remember always to check the dog park’s local laws and rules and adhere to them!

2. Collar and ID Tags

No matter the park’s size, your four-legged friend should always wear a collar with ID tags. This is another safety measure in case your canine escapes the park or gets lost. Additionally, ensure that the information is up-to-date!

3. Waste Bags

Always be prepared to pick up after your companion! So, pack a few waste bags to be a kind park-goer and pick up your pal’s business. Although some parks have waste bag stations, it is best to be prepared with your own in case the park’s supply is not fully stocked.

4. Water and Bowl

Be sure to offer your furry friend water periodically. This will ensure they stay hydrated during play! Bring water, a collapsable bowl, or a dog-friendly water bottle special for your companion!

5. Towel

Lastly, it would be best to leave a towel in your car for any cleanup you may need. This could be if your pal gets muddy or wet while having fun at the park.

What To Leave At Home

To have the best experience possible at the park, leaving treats, food, and favorite toys at home is best. This will prevent other dogs from following you for food and potential dog fights. Also, please keep in mind that any toys you bring to the park have the potential to be lost or taken by another dog looking to have some fun. So, only bring toys that can be replaced, such as a tennis ball or frisbee.

Follow the guide above the next time you plan to spend time with your canine companion at the dog park!