The Science Of Dog Pheromones: A Full Guide

The Science of Dog Pheromones: A Full Guide

Have you heard the term pheromones before? What exactly does that mean for our dogs? Read below for a complete guide on the science of dog pheromones!

What Are Pheromones?

Pheromones are chemical signals emitted by dogs when they feel certain emotions. They are odorless to people but share information and cause emotional and behavioral responses in other dogs. Furthermore, dogs can detect human pheromones, too!

The Effect Of Pheromones

Pheromones influence how your dog perceives and interacts with their environment, other dogs, and others. Additionally, pheromones impact your canine’s emotions, behavior, and social dynamics. For example, a mother dog emits calming pheromones for her puppies, who feel calm, comfort, and security. Additionally, these pheromones help puppies identify their mother and help form a strong bond with their mom and littermates.

Furthermore, pheromones can establish a dog’s presence in a specific area. Our four-legged friends release these pheromones to inform other dogs that they have claimed that space.

Calming Pheromones

Calming pheromones are synthetic versions that mimic the natural ones emitted by my mothers to help their pups feel safe. You can use these pheromones to help calm anxious dogs. Some triggers include separation anxiety, thunderstorms, fireworks, traveling, moving, vet visits, behavioral challenges, and new additions to the family. Additionally, signs of stress can include bathroom accidents, panting, drooling, aggression, depression, excessive barking, destructive behavior, restlessness, pacing, and repetitive behaviors. So, if your canine becomes anxious by any of these situations or you notice these signs, pheromones may be the perfect solution!

How Long Does It Take For Pheromones To Work?

In short, every dog is different. You may notice immediate results or gradual changes over days or weeks. So, don’t give up if you don’t see change immediately!

How To Use Pheromones

There are multiple ways to distribute calming pheromones to your dog. For example, there are diffusers, collars, and sprays. You can place diffusers in a room where your pup spends much time or in their sleeping area. Collars are great for dogs that experience stress outside the home. The collars fit around the neck and release pheromones close to the nose so your dog can feel the benefits. Lastly, sprays are versatile and can be applied to your dog’s bed, traveling, crate, or anywhere else your pup may need comfort!

Knowing what causes your companion’s stress is the first treatment step! Take what you learned about pheromones and consider if they would be a good option for your furry friend!