These are the Most Popular Dog Breeds on TikTok

With Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, you can reach millions of friends, recipes, and new ideas; however, the best aspect of having the world at our fingertips is seeing endless amounts of furry friends with #dog. Let’s look at the most popular breeds of dogs by considering the most popular pet TikToks and breeds.

Golden Retriever

Not surprising, the family favorite is up first! Golden Retrievers are known to be the most loyal, loving, and friendly furry companions. Racking up nearly 10 billion views, goldies definitely are the most popular pups with lovable personalities.

Known as @AGuyAndAGolden, Johnathan Lower and his pup Teddy have gained a following of over four million fans! Teddy loves to sport a multitude of outfits and activities, but they also use their platform to donate to local animal shelters. Johnathan treats his furry companion like one of the family, and it shows through their videos.

German Shepherd

Our runner-ups, amassing over 4.3 billion views, are the always dependable German Shepherd! These fierce friends are willing to protect their owners no matter the cost, hence why they are one of the most loyal breeds. German Sheps look quite intense until you meet them; they are super-loving furry friends underneath the facade.

Using TikTok to spread awareness about service dogs and their abilities, @Dog_And_His_Boomer has gained over 4.8 million followers and 87 million likes! Nala is a seizure alert service dog who can detect and aid if needed. When she is off duty, Nala is full of personality and mischief.


Chihuahuas are little bundles of fun who love to make their humans smile 24/7. They might be the smallest, but they have larger-than-life popularity! Because of their size, these little pups are super easy to bring along with you or dress up in matching outfits! They have collected over 4 billion viewers who love those adorable head tilts.

With over 9.2 million followers, @MrEviatar and his pup Niki have a rollercoaster relationship. Niki, the Chihuahua, can be pretty volatile if you get on her wrong side, but the two get along most of the time! We’ve learned she is not a fan of strawberries, being pointed at, and people looking for too long.


These squishy face friends are fan favorites; they grab attention with a look and head tilt! Pugs have gained over 3.6 billion views from all over the world. Between their carefree personalities and wiggly walks, pugs are undoubtedly the most merchandised dog breed.

Noodle is a 13-year-old pug trying to encourage people to prioritize self-care. Jonathan and Noodle, @JonGraz, were the most popular dog creators in late 2021, as Noodle was trending for months because of his daily predictions. They started going viral for the “bones or no-bones day” shtick; bones meant it was a good day in the universe, or no-bones was then a scapegoat for anything unfortunate in the day. People should use no-bones days to take care of themselves, like wearing comfy clothes, not being too hard on themselves, or treating themselves. Jonathan stands Noodle up first thing in the morning to find out if he can stand alone, bones, or if he falls back down, no-bones.


Stereotypically, Rottweilers are seen as aggressive dogs that cause unprovoked attacks. Recently, in the rise of TikTok over the last two years, we have been able to progress away from the stereotype and reveal the gentle, loyal furry friends underneath! Rottweilers can be excellent pets if you take all of the steps to properly train and care for them.

@RottieKings on TikTok is home to two german rottweilers, Odin and Hera. These big babies are fed raw food only, and their owner uses the content to teach others the importance of raw diets for dogs. Odin and Hera love to try new snacks! Most recently, they’ve been indulging in chicken feet and salmon heads!

Being a dog influencer is not easy! These puppers have made a name for themselves by looking cute and having prominent personalities. These accounts have at least a million supporters that are just as loyal as their breeds. For more information on how to grow your pet’s social media presence, check out Tips for Starting a Dog Instagram.