Foods That Are Dangerous for Dogs

Foods That Are Dangerous for Dogs

With those sweet puppy dog eyes, it can be hard to resist giving your pup a quick bite of whatever you’re cooking, but what you don’t know is how poisonous a lot of the food we eat can be for them. To help you keep your furry friend safe here are some surprising foods you may eat every day that Fido should never touch.


Popcorn is okay for your furry friend if it’s plain, air-popped, unslated, and unbuttered but hardly anyone eats popcorn like that. The high levels of fat and sodium found in typical popcorn lead to dehydration for your furry friend in the short term and obesity in the long run. The kernels can also cause your poor canine to hurt their teeth an gums. So instead of throwing your dog some popcorn try sticking to their dog treats.


The skin and leaves of an avocado contain persin, an oil-soluble toxin that can be dangerous to your canine companion. Persin can cause your pup respiratory distress, congestion, fluid accumulation around the heart, and even death in severe cases. If you avoid the skin and leaves, avocados can be safe for your pup if you’re careful, but it’s better just to be safe and avoid giving it to your dog if possible.


Among all the food we eat, grapes are one of the most toxic for dogs, which many people are shocked by. For Fido, grapes can cause kidney failure and even death because of how toxic they are for them. Researchers though still don’t know what substance in grapes is so poisonous for your pup, but regardless you should keep them away from your four-legged friend.

Tomato Plants

A regular ripe tomato isn’t rotten for your pooch, but if you happen to have a garden or just unripened green tomatoes laying around, be careful! The stem, leafy green part of the tomato plant as well as unripe green tomatoes contain a toxin called solanine that can cause gastrointestinal distress, lethargy, weakness, and confusion in your pup.


Another surprise to many pet parents is how unhealthy dairy can be for your furry friend. Yes, even cheese is not suitable for your dog. Too much cheese or dairy can cause constipation and diarrhea in your pup for the short term; for the long run, it can lead to obesity and gastrointestinal issues. But just like humans and dairy, some dogs are more sensitive to it than others so if you’re especially concerned it would be best to consult your vet.

There are so many surprising foods that may be perfectly fine for your stomach but dangerous for Fidos, so to be safe, you should always try to look up what food you’re giving your pup and double checking to make sure it’s safe for them. And if you think your canine companion is suffering from poisoning call the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 or visit a vet immediately.