Natural Remedies for Your Pup’s Dry Skin

Have you noticed your dog itchy and biting at their skin more than normal? Winter months bring dry skin, while spring and summertime lead to an uprise in allergies. Whatever the cause of your pup’s dry skin, it can be hard to sit back and watch them suffer. Instead of wracking your brain for a solution to their seemingly neverending dryness, try out a natural remedy to soothe their irritation!

Why Home Remedies?

There’s nothing wrong with an occasional dry patch of skin on your pup, it even happens to humans too! But, if your dog is excessively scratching, red-skinned, or clawing at an area, this may be a cause for concern. Dry skin can be caused by countless different things like low humidity, too frequent bathing (stripping the skin of natural oils), allergies, parasites (like ticks and fleas), etc. The most important thing is to figure out why your dog is dealing with dry skin. But, a natural remedy can provide some relief in the meantime.

Common oils in natural remedies like coconut and olive oils contain rich essentials (omega-3 and omega-6) that your pooch needs in order to maintain skin hydration and oil production! Adding these oils into your dog’s routine (diet and/or topical) will be an easy way to get in some much-needed health improvements, like shiner fur and hydrated skin!

Olive Oil for Dry Skin

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the ideal choice for doggies when it comes to olive oil! Due to the low acidity, EVOO is easy on the canine digestive system and high in vitamins and antioxidants! Look for EVOO that is unrefined and cold-pressed to get the highest and safest quality.

Dogs that have trouble with the digestion of omega-3 and omega-6 will handle EVOO the easiest. Olive oil will not only help to repair dry, cracked skin and coats but also work against constipation and poor appetites! Olive oil must be stored in a cool, dark place to ensure quality and prevent turning rancid. Olive oils doses should be controlled per vet recommendation and pup size:

  • Small dogs: ½ teaspoon
  • Medium dogs: 1 teaspoon
  • Large dogs: 2 teaspoons
  • Extra-large dogs: 1 tablespoon

Fish Oil for Dry Skin

Fish oil is a great supplement for both canines and humans! But, you’ll need to pay close attention to the certification of the oil you’re purchasing to make sure it’s up to standard. Look for the manufacturer certificate of analysis, the oil should be a blend derived from salmon,  sardines, and herring or other fish that offer omega-3. Fish oil is excellent for dry, flaky skin, but also useful for canine heart health, allergies, and joint pain!

Ask your vet before using this supplement, as fish oil can prolong blood clotting, which can be dangerous in certain circumstances. If your dog needs surgery they will have to be off this supplement a few days prior. You may also consult your vet for their recommendation on dosage/capsules.

Coconut Oil for Dry Skin

There’s a strong chance you’ve heard coconut oil and smooth or shiny in the same sentence before. And it’s true! Coconut oil is used for skin/hair health in both humans and animals! Triglycerides and fatty acids in coconut oil are particularly helpful in treating dry skin, fungal infections, allergies, etc. Look for coconut oil that is cold-pressed, organic, and virgin (not cooking coconut oil)!

Coconut oil is great as it can be versatile in use. Either add it into food or as a topical treatment to dry skin. If using directly on the skin and in food, be sure to monitor your dog until the oil is fully absorbed as you don’t want them to ingest too much oil. Contact your vet for any dosage recommendations if you’re concerned:

  • Small dogs: ¼ teaspoon
  • Medium/large dogs: ½ to 2 teaspoons
  • Extra-large dogs: 1 tablespoon

Oil Overboard

A little goes a long way with oils, so be sure not to overdo the oils in your dog’s routine as it can have adverse effects! Too much oil may result in:

  • Upset stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight gain (most dog-friendly oils have around 40 calories per teaspoon)
  • Pancreatitis

Using oils as a naturally dry skin remedy can prove to be really beneficial for a lot of pups as long as it’s in healthy moderation! Consult your veterinarian before adding anything into your furry friend’s diet and remember that home remedies can only go so far with their effectiveness!