
The Ultimate Shopping List for Foster Dogs

As shelters become more crowded and there are a record number of dogs in search of homes, the world is in great need of foster parents for animals. However, taking in a foster animal can be a lot of work and isn’t something that everyone is able to or prepared to do. But, if you…

A Full Guide on Golden Retrievers

Bringing home a dog is a big step in a person’s life that requires a lot of careful consideration and planning. From researching temperament, dietary needs, and overall health of a breed, there is a lot a dog owner needs to know. Especially when bringing home a big dog like a Golden Retriever. Thinking about…

Treibball (or Urban Herding) Could Be Your Dog’s New Favorite Activity

Do you think your dog would enjoy herding but you don’t have any extra sheep lying around? Maybe your dog would enjoy Treibball! In Treibball, your dog will herd balls instead of sheep to get some exercise and have some fun. How Does it Work? In Treibball, your dog will use their nose, head, chest,…

Cattle Dog Mix wearing the Sit Means Sit ecollar during Chicago Dog Training

What is the Sit Means Sit Collar?

The Sit Means Sit collar is a micro stim modality, that is very similar to those micro stim units used in the medical and athletic fields. These micro stim units essentially use low-level, adjustable electronic stimulation to create a muscle contraction. In the medical field, they are used as aids to help alleviate pain, promote…

Tips for Tackling the First 24 Hours with Your New Pup

Tips for Tackling the First 24 Hours with Your New Pup

Being a puppy parent can feel like being an actual parent sometimes. Between potty training, teething, sleep deprivation, and special diets, having a puppy is a big responsibility. Being a first-time dog-owner or puppy owner, in general, is challenging to say the least. But those adorable furballs make it all worth it! Here are some…

Dog Breeds That Love the Snow

While some dogs have to be bribed to step out in the snow, there are other pups out there that can’t get enough of it. For many canine companions actually, snowy weather is the best time of the year for them. Here are some dog breeds that love to see snowflakes falling from the sky….

Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Living

Did you grow up with a dog and miss a furry friend greeting you at the door? If you are living in an apartment that doesn’t mean you can’t have a dog; you just have to choose wisely. So what should you look for? Generally, a small, laid back dog that doesn’t shed a whole…

Adding a Dog Shower to Your Home

Adding a Dog Shower to Your Home

Your dog can be messy and taking a bath is not always the easiest option, and sometimes can be one of the most difficult. A craze that is starting to become more popular, that also is making your dog’s bath time easier and simpler is a dog shower. To find out if this new interior…

Your Relationship Will Always Trump Your Training

We often analogize working with our dogs to dating as the quality of engagement we seek is comparable. Like in dating, all the training and rules in the world won’t matter if your dog feels disrespectful, entitled, pushy, bratty, or uncertain around you a nd your hom e. If your dog does not perceive your relationship to…

Muzzle Training

Perceptions of muzzled dogs range from ambivalence to horror and a lot of times owners do not want to use a muzzle due to the stigma that can come with. Used and taught properly, muzzles are valuable training tools and, sometimes, essential management tools, that allow for safe socialization, training and exercise.  Muzzles can also…