Muzzle Training

Perceptions of muzzled dogs range from ambivalence to horror and a lot of times owners do not want to use a muzzle due to the stigma that can come with.

Used and taught properly, muzzles are valuable training tools and, sometimes, essential management tools, that allow for safe socialization, training and exercise.  Muzzles can also remove significant stress from both owner and dog.

Muzzles are great when working with dog and/or people reactive dogs safely. Muzzles can allow a dog to learn appropriate off leash play when inappropriate nipping and grabbing is the issue as opposed to serious aggression.

Sometimes the biggest impact is that using the muzzle stops the owner from feeling anxious, which immediately improves the chances of the dog’s success!
Outside of the most common reason to use a muzzle, muzzles are also very helpful;

To stop scavenging: some dogs want to eat everything they can including dangerous foods and sometimes even objects. In order to allow a dog some freedom and still keep them safe, a muzzle can prevent them from eating whatever they find.

To protect wildlife: some dogs instinctively desire to chase and, potentially, kill small animals (rabbits, rats, squirrels) – a muzzle will mean that if the owner loses control or the dog is off leash, the chase does not end in a kill.

To prevent self-injury: after surgery, injury, or another condition where a cone would normally be used but might not be a good fit or tolerated a muzzle can prevent licking or chewing the area.  Muzzles can be more comfortable and freeing especially outside or in the car than a cone.

To allow safe handling in the case of injury: understandably a dog that is injured and in pain might try to bite those helping him – a muzzle can allow him to be treated safely.

Being lawful: several cities and areas have muzzle laws which affect specific breeds, regardless of whether they have shown aggression.

We believe muzzle training is essential for all dogs, even if only in case of the injury situation. Having your dog confident in a muzzle is worth the small amount of time it takes to train them to see it as something positive and familiar so that if your dog should ever need to wear one they feel good about it!

For help teaching your dog how to confidently wear a muzzle, or to help a dog that dislikes their muzzle, watch the following video! For more helpful tips with muzzle training, and any other training questions, give us a call at 312-618-9663 to help!