Safety Tips for Taking Fido to a Pride Parade

It’s Pride month! Pride month celebrations have been happening all over the country and you be thinking you want to get Fido in on the fun. a great way to do this is by taking your furry friend to a Pride parade! Parades can be super fun for dogs if you are prepared before you go.

Here are some of our tips to ensure a tail-wagging good time with your dog at Pride:

Know Your Dog

While there are some Pride celebrations that are more low-key, many are loud and have tons of people in attendance. If your dog is skittish or gets overwhelmed by a lot of people, it may be better to celebrate from home with them. Your dog’s comfort and safety is the most important thing so make sure to consider how they will do in the environment before you head out the door.

Beat the Heat

Pride month is in June and June can get pretty hot. If you are planning on taking your dog out to celebrate, be prepared to keep them cool.

Pack plenty of water for the day. Dogs need a lot more water than normal when it’s hot out so remember to bring enough for the both of you and know what the signs of dehydration are in dogs so you can be prepared. When hydrating your pup on the go, we recommend using a portable dog bowl that collapses to fit into your bag. Many even have a carabiner on them so you can clip them onto your dog’s leash, your belt, or anything else. This will make it much easier to carry but allow your dog to get all the water they need.

Also, bring some shade for your dog. Like humans, our four-legged friends can get sunburnt or even overheat in the sun, which can be dangerous. Prepare for this by bringing along an umbrella or even having one that attaches to your pup’s collar or harness. This help keep the sun off your dogs back without trapping in the heat from clothing.

Check Their Collar

Before you head out, check to make sure that your pup’s collar is totally secure. You’ll want to make sure it’s tight enough that they won’t be able to wiggle out of it but not so tight that it makes it hard to breathe. Also, make sure your dogs’ ID tags or microchip is up-to-date so, in the off chance that they do get away from you, it will be easier for someone to contact you.

Also, you may want to use a short leash than normal so that your pup has to stay closer to you and can safely walk by your side. If you have a smaller dog, consider carrying them or get a special dog stroller to push them in. A bonus of the stroller: it has a sun shade for your dog and has tons of storage so you don’t have to hold all of your Pride supplies. You could even decorate the stroller for the occasion!

Do Some Research

Many parades have a pet booth for the four-legged attendees of the parade. These booths act as places for your pup to take a break, lay down, get some water, and even receive medical care if they need it.

If you aren’t sure if there will be a pet booth or if you know there won’t be one, check the surrounding area for nearby vet clinics. While we don’t want to think about anything bad happening, being outside in a large crowd for a while can increase the likelihood that your dog could overheat, get stepped on, or get something stuck in their paw.

On top of vets, check the nearby area for pet-friendly spots such as cafes or parks that you can retreat to with your pet to take a break from the festivities and re-charge for a minute.

Prioritize Your Pup

When out at these events, in the midst of the fun, remember to check in frequently with how your pup is doing. Looking for signs of dehydration, stress, or if they start feeling tired. Be ready to take them to one of your designated spots to help them re-group and be prepared to leave early and take your pup home if needed. You can always come back without them or find a different way to celebrate Pride with them, but your pooch’s safety and comfort should be your number 1 priority.

Celebrate at Home

If you know your dog wouldn’t enjoy a day at the parade being around loud noises and lots of people, consider finding ways to celebrate at home. There are tons of ways to do this:

  • Attend a virtual parade. There are tons of virtual parades of live streams of the parades near you so you can be a part of the fun from the comfort of your own home.
  • Have a Pride picnic. Head to your backyard or your local park to spend a day outside. Invite some furry guests and their favorite humans to join you and have your own mini celebration.
  • Dress the part. Dress your pooch up in Pride-themed outfits and accessories and snap lots of pictures of them.

No matter how you choose to celebrate with your pup, as long as they are safe and happy, it is sure to be a great time!