Cattle Dog Mix wearing the Sit Means Sit ecollar during Chicago Dog Training

What is the Sit Means Sit Collar?

The Sit Means Sit collar is a micro stim modality, that is very similar to those micro stim units used in the medical and athletic fields. These micro stim units essentially use low-level, adjustable electronic stimulation to create a muscle contraction. In the medical field, they are used as aids to help alleviate pain, promote blood circulation and induce healing. For our SMS collar, an adjustable micro stim signal is manually sent from a remote, that translates into a “tap” delivered to the Sit Means Sit Collar. This tap starts at such a low level, that they are often imperceptive to people. This signal from the Sit Means Sit collar is also adjustable in the same way that your voice is, and is completely controlled by you, the handler.

Sit Means Sit uses an attention-based dog training model developed by Founder and CEO, Fred Hassen. This approach utilizes a variety of training modalities that enable our trainers to gain the dog’s attention, even in some of the most distracting environments. The Sit Means Sit Collar allows us to use this medical technology in a way that is counter intuitive to the old school “correction /compulsion” approach. The “tap” is the corner stone of teaching attention both in close and long distant proximities, as well as distracting environments. Our ability to generate consistent quality levels of attention, allows us to induce a steeper learning curve for the dog than any other training model.

The technology we employ is 100% safe for dogs and humans. Our Sit Means Sit programs that incorporate our collar as a training aid, use it simply to establish a connection between a tap and the owner, that we then teach and define as attention. A common key for success in any training method, is found in timing and consistency in all communications with the dog. Once the dog is proficient in the language of the collar, all kinds of new levels of proficiency are attained.

The approach used by Sit Means Sit trainers is to treat the “tap” from the collar as a cue for the dog to pay attention. This is no different than tapping a person on the shoulder to get their attention. The goal of tapping them on the shoulder is not to surprise or intimidate them, but rather to let them know that you want to communicate something to them.  Adjustability in the tap levels is necessary because, while some dogs are “in tune,” so to speak,  others can be less so. There is no way to determine what levels your dog will respond to, until we begin to interact and teach them with our collar. The versitilty of the collar’s long range capacity, the weather and water proof tolerances, and micro stim levels, allow a “training affect” to move into areas of high distraction and new environments. The integration of our collar will also significantly shorten the time period spent training, simply because a major challenge in teaching has always been about gaining and maintaining the dog’s attention.

Keep in mind that the typical results attained from a Sit Means Sit program include the consistent use of a calm voice (which paints the clearest picture for your dog), and includes the use of things such a leash, flat collar, food, toys, and enthusiastic affection. The advantage of using multiple training aids in the process compared to a single aid approach is as follows. While treats may work perfectly well in the kitchen, generally the treat fails to hold the same attention value when it comes to working outdoors with distractions. For example when the dog sees a cat or another dog, the dynamics change quickly. Sit Means Sit has found that dogs can be taught to pay attention around extreme distractions very effectively. We invite you to view our training first-hand by contacting us for a FREE demonstration with one our Sit Means Sit Chicago trainers. During all our public and private demonstrations we encourage everyone in the audience and family to feel our Sit Means Sit collar prior to ever putting it on a dog.

Sit Means Sit is the only company to provide a REAL LIFETIME warranty with our product.  There is no fine print to read or glitches that will catch you when you really need it.  Sit Means Sit provides a hassle-free exchange warranty so that if ANYTHING ever happens to your dog training collar, it is covered. Don’t worry if your dog chews it up, or if your pet elephant accidentally steps on it and smashes it.  Simply contact SportDog @ 1-800-732-0144 or email and inform the customer representative that you have a ‘Sit Means Sit Collar’.  Next week, next year, or 6 years from now. It’s the first and last dog training collar you will ever own! The Sit Means Sit collar and Remote are 100%  fresh and salt water proof. The digital technology that is built into the design of the collar eliminates any possibility for you to accidentally harm your dog. The collar is safe, does not generate heat and it cannot burn a dog or person, even with human error or misuse.

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