Laser Pointers: More Frustration Than Fun

Laser Pointers: More Frustration Than Fun

Laser pointers may seem like the perfect solution to having to expend a lot of effort to play with your pooch and get them to wear off some energy of their own instead. But, are laser pointers more counterproductive for dogs than fun? It turns out that laser pointer play can actually be more frustrating to your furry friend than pleasurable and can cause some unfortunate behavior problems. Read on to find out more about laser pointer frustration in pooches.

Why Lasers?

So, what is it about lasers may be fun at first for a dog to play with? Laser pointers serve as a “prey” that your pup can chase, which triggers their natural instinct to hunt and catch. The problem with pointers is that they provide the “prey” aspect of hunting, but are unable to give your dog the “catch” like a toy or treat can which leads to frustration and dissatisfaction.

How Lasers Effect Behavior

When laser pointers are put away, the “prey” disappears, creating confusion for your dog and leading to them getting upset by the lack of reward from their “hunt”. These actions could result in your dog showing obsessive-compulsive behaviors like searching for a light that isn’t there, reactive to other light sources, and becoming anxious.


If you aren’t able to run around with your dog for their playtime and appreciate the convenience of a laser pointer, a good solution for this is a flirt pole! This is a rod with a string that is attached to some sort of toy or string at the end. This toy works great for a game of hunt and catch that doesn’t leave your pooch frustrated!

For a DIY to do at home, tie a toy to the end of a rope to drag bag and forth or even play a long-distance game of tug-of-war! For some extra stimulation try out this DIY (or use a flirt pole) in an obstacle course with a treat at the end of the course!

Laser pointers cause more frustration than it’s worth, unfortunately, but that doesn’t mean you can’t relax while playing with your furry friend! Try out the solutions listed above or even a calm game of fetch in replacement to get the same playtime experience.