Daisy Mae the Pit Bull Mix – Tarlton, OH

Daisy Mae

Client’s Name: John Haimerl

Dog’s Name: Daisy Mae

City: Tarlton, OH

Breed: Pit Bull Mix

Likes: Barking at animals on TV.

Pet Peeves: Doesn’t like any animals in her territory.

Favorite Toy: Fetch with a Water Bottle.

Favorite Treat: Table food/Ice cubes.

Favorite Walk: Anywhere to get off the farm.

Arrival Story: The family was at the Lucasville Flea Market early one morning in April and saw these adorable puppies. She was the only brindle and white one. We haggled on price and we ended up buying her for $125.00. We ask them to hold her for the day and they told us when we picked her up that they had over 50 offers for her, at prices up to $500.00. We are so lucky to have her.

Bio: I am not a morning person I like to sleep late. I am the oldest 4 legged human in my family. I have two other 4 legged soblings Copper, and Elly. We also have a 3 year old toddler with a can opener on his face, Jack a 17 year old Congo African Grey Parrot. Other than that my 3 two legged humans share my house.

Motto: Stay out of MY yard!!!!!