Elly Bear the Rott/Shepard Mix – Tarlton, OH

Elly Bear

Client’s Name: Katherine Haimerl

Dog’s Name: Elly Bear

City: Tarlton, OH

Breed: Rottweiler/Shepard Mix

Likes: Play, Play, Play..While I am still young.

Pet Peeves: Doesn’t like anything touching her butt.

Favorite Toy: The laser light!!!

Favorite Treat: Table food/Ice cubes.

Favorite Walk: Anywhere so I can run around and have fun.

Arrival Story: My dad came home from work and heard a whimper from under out pick-up truck. Dad came in to get me and my mom. He showed us this cute puppy who had been dumped off with oil and burrs on her and she was sooo skinny. I got food and water for her, and dad said we could bring her in and get her bathed. Once that happened I fell in lover with her!!! So I was able to keep her as long as I took care of her…So far she acts just like ME!!

Bio: I am very hyper my family calls me a spazoid, but really I just love to play with everyone. I also have fun talking and following my mom around. I am the youngest of three 4 legged humans in my family. My older but fun sissy Daisy is 6 and my grumpy brother is 4…heis fum to pick on. Also IU have this yummy looking brother that is 17 he is an African Congo Grey Parrot….but I am not allowed to have him.

Motto: Where’s MY MOMMY!!!!!