Why is My Dog Digging in Their Bed?

Why is My Dog Digging in Their Bed?

Just like some humans, dogs have a few strange (or unique) bedtime habits before hitting the hay. Some dogs may chase their tail until they fall asleep or pick out their favorite toys to bring to bed with them. But others may take up digging in their bed as a habit, so what exactly does that mean? The short answer is natural instinct! Dogs are creatures of habit and instinct and digging is one of those by nature behaviors. It helps them ‘find’ a comfortable and warm place to lie their head, a habit passed down from their ancestors.

A Look at Doogie Evolution

Almost all dogs’ weird behaviors can be traced back to and explained by their evolutionary history! Before dogs became the domesticated beings we’ve known for so long, they evolved from wolves and wild dogs. In those times, dogs’ behaviors were usually formed on the basis of survival instincts, which is likely why your dog is naturally adept and curious about digging and other habits.

An important habit dogs have learned about surviving is being able to create shelter, often meaning having to dig to create a safe place. By digging, dogs were able to find a place to protect themselves against predators, the environment, and hide their pack. Although domesticated dogs don’t (usually) need to do this, their instincts still sometimes come around when it’s time for bed!

Other Reasons for Digging

Lots of dogs dig because of natural instincts, but that’s not the only reasonable explanation for this behavior:

  • Anxiety: If you find that your dog gets excitable when digging instead of using the behavior to comfort themselves, they may be digging due to anxiety/to cope. Digging should be calming to dogs, so if your dog appears more anxious while digging there is likely a reason. Talk to your vet about dog anxiety if their behavior continues to worry you.
  • Territory: Dogs have scent glands on the bottoms of their paws, which leaves a trace to other dogs and animals letting them know that the area or item is marked territory. Dogs may dig in order to mark their territory with their scent to show that their bed is their property!
  • Curiosity: Dogs love to dig to feed their curiosity, which is one of the main reasons you’ll find them digging those pesky holes in your yard. There may be something hiding/stuck underneath a cushion that they are trying to get to!

Protecting Your Dog’s Bed

Digging can be a silly and funny quirk of your dog’s, but it can quickly become a destructive mess for your household. From stuffing spread across the floor to scraps of bed fabric missing, here are some tips to help keep your dog’s digging destruction to a minimum:

  • Trim nails: Dogs’ nails should be trimmed every 3-4 weeks to keep a clean manicure for your pooch. Trimmed nails are much less destructive and damaging, especially if you find your dog’s nails getting infected easily by regrowth.
  • Get other ways to play: Sometimes dogs dig because they’re understimulated by their toys or playtime. Try buying or DIYing puzzle toys! You can even create a space designated for safe digging to combat bed digging, like a kiddie pool filled with dog-friendly plastic balls!

Check out these lists for the perfect bed for your dog’s needs!

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