
Should I Get My Dog a Water Fountain?

Should I Get My Dog a Water Fountain?

Our furry friends bring boundless joy into our lives, and as responsible pet owners, ensuring their well-being is a top priority! One aspect that often warrants consideration is their hydration. While traditional water bowls have long been the norm, many pet owners now turn to water fountains as an alternative! Keep reading to delve into…

Tips for Taking Your Dog to a Restaurant

Tips for Taking Your Dog to a Restaurant

There’s nothing quite like spending quality time with your furry friend! As a dog owner, you might find yourself wanting to include them in more of your daily activities, such as dining out. Taking your dog to a restaurant can be a rewarding experience for both of you, but it requires careful planning and consideration!…

Tips for Removing Skunk Smell From Your Dog

Discovering that your dog has encountered a skunk can be an unpleasant and pungent experience for both you and your furry friend. Skunk spray is notorious for its potent smell that lingers on your dog’s fur. However, fear not! With the right approach and some effective de-skunking tips, you can successfully eliminate that noxious odor…

Tips for Taking Fido on a Bike Ride

Tips for Taking Fido on a Bike Ride

Who doesn’t love to feel the breeze in their hair, or fur, as you take in local sights around you or even explore a part of your town you’re less familiar with? Taking a bike ride with your furry friend is not only relaxing bonding time but also a great exercise for you two to…

Why is My Dog Digging in Their Bed?

Why is My Dog Digging in Their Bed?

Just like some humans, dogs have a few strange (or unique) bedtime habits before hitting the hay. Some dogs may chase their tail until they fall asleep or pick out their favorite toys to bring to bed with them. But others may take up digging in their bed as a habit, so what exactly does…

How to Know if Your Dog is Hungry

How to Know if Your Dog is Hungry

One thing that comes with having a pet is begging. Without fail, whenever you are eating they are sitting by your side begging for a bite. However, how do you know if your dog is truly hungry or just trying to get a treat? Although it seems like your dog is hungry, if you’re regularly…

Relationships Changes in Multi-Dog Households

Relationship Changes in Multi-Dog Households

When introducing a new dog into a family with an existing dog, order is eventually established. The younger dog generally bows to the older dog. As your older dog ages and your younger dog matures, the dynamic generally change. What causes this switch? What other changes are going to happen? Let’s take a look into…