Rugs loves the tunnel, jumping obstacles and is on his way to being a fantastic therapy dog!

Rugsby (or Rugs) is a black Goldendoodle who loves to run and play and act silly. He was born in May 2012. He was brought home by his mom and dad (Stephanie and Jon) in June 2012, leaving behind littermates at Yankee Doodles & Poodles in Avella, PA. Rugsby was sad to leave his brothers and sisters but very happy to be with his new family – it was love at first sniff!

Now he loves to lay in the yard and chew on sticks. His favorite toy is his Gator and his best trick is a “high five”. He wants to become a therapy dog and is coming to group class for some experience around distractions before his test. We’re very happy to welcome Rugsby, Stephanie and Jon to the Sit Means Sit family!