What Does it Mean When Your Dog Sits on Your Feet?

What Does it Mean When Your Dog Sits on Your Feet?

Our dogs have many adorable and puzzling behaviors. One includes them sitting on our feet. Read on to learn why Fido might be sitting on your feet!

To Show Affection

Our canines have many different ways they show affection. One way is by sitting on our feet! Our poochs show affection in many different ways. Some like to give us kisses, some want to sit on our laps, and others like to lounge or play on our feet. It can be a canine way to show us humans how much they love us.

To Keep Them Warm

Once winter comes, our floors can become very cold. One way our pooches try to fight the cold is by sitting on our feet! By sitting on our feet, dogs can protect their butts from the chilly floor. This adorable habit allows them to absorb our body heat during frigid days.

To Protect Us

While sitting on our feet might seem like a silly way to protect someone, it’s an actual guarding behavior in canines. Dogs are territorial over everything, including their family members! By sitting on our feet, our pooches are trying to protect us in their own adorable way.

They are nervous

In some situations, dogs show their nerves by sitting on our feet! See if your pup is showing signs of being scared, such as having a tucked tail, pulled-back ears, or excessive drooling. Look for these behaviors when your pooch is sitting on your feet.

To get our attention

Your pup might just be sitting on your feet to get your attention! They often have learned that by sitting on our feet, we will give them attention and, often, affection. If you are not a fan of your furry friend sitting on your feet, don’t give them attention during this behavior.

Our dogs sit on our feet for many adorable reasons. While our pooches might be little enigmas, we hope to have shone a light on why they might be sitting on your feet.