Tips for Keeping Your Dog Active in the Winter

Tips for Keeping Your Dog Active in the Winter

Our furry friends need lots of exercise, even during these cold winter months. But, figuring out ways to keep Fido active during the winter can be challenging. We’ve rounded up the best ways to keep Fido active during winter!

Take A Walk Outside

While this might seem obvious, our dogs must take walks all year round, not just when the weather is nice. When taking a walk with our furry friends, keep them bundled up and protected from the elements. We recommended bundling Fido up in a sweater or dog coat. If your pup can handle shoes, invest in dog winter booties.

Play In The Snow!

Snow days aren’t just for kids! There are many ways to make the snow fun for your dogs. One way is making a snow obstacle course! You can make ramps, hurdles, and sculptures out of thick snow. Just make sure not to make tunnels or hutches out of snow. These can collapse and trap your dog under the snow. If you’re feeling extra creative, you can also make a maze out of heavy snow. An obstacle course will also keep your pup’s body and brain active!

Explore the indoors

Your pup doesn’t have to play outside to get their exercise. There are plenty of ways to keep your pup active indoors. One way is by doing a treat scavenger hunt. Hide treats around your house, and encourage your pup to look for them. This will keep Fido entertained while wearing him out. Invest in a treadmill if winter walks are impossible in your winter climate. Place a high-value treat in front of your pup’s nose, and set the treadmill to a lower speed. Make sure to watch your dog during their treadmill walk and remove them from the equipment once they show signs of fatigue.

It’s extremely important for Fido to get enough exercise in all types of weather. Follow our tips to make sure your pooch is active during the winter!