Why Does My Dog Chase their Own Tail?

Why Does My Dog Chase their Own Tail?

We all love our furry friends, but they sometimes exhibit silly behaviors. One of the funniest things our canines can do is chase their tail. Dogs often chase their tails for multiple reasons. Read on to find out why our dogs like to chase their tails!


Sometimes, our pooches chase their tails out of boredom. Constantly chasing their tail is a sign your dog is spending too much time alone and needs mental stimulation. Chasing their tail allows Fido to exert energy and also stave off some boredom. If you are worried your pup is too bored, invest in some mentally stimulating dog toys, such as a puzzle!

Fleas and Ticks

If your pup is nipping and scratching while chasing its tail, they might have fleas or ticks. When uncomfortable, your dog will chase their tail to relieve the discomfort caused by these bugs. If your dog exhibits this behavior, check them for fleas and ticks. Look for tiny brown specs in their fur or bald spots. If your pooch has evidence of fleas, invest in an over-the-counter flea medication. You can also make a visit to the vet to discuss further treatment.

Wanting attention

If your dog is chasing their tail and looking at you for a reaction, they might be exhibiting this behavior for attention! If Fido feels you are not spending enough time with them, they will exhibit any behavior to catch your eye. But sometimes, this behavior is silly, like chasing their tail. Make sure you spend enough time playing and cuddling with your pooch daily!


Tail chasing can be a common symptom of anxiety. Check if your pooch is exhibiting other anxiety symptoms, such as irritability, aggression, shaking, or limited sociability; your dog might be suffering from anxiety. If you think your furry friend is suffering from anxiety, make an appointment with your vet to discuss treatments.

Our dogs can have some silly behaviors, like chasing their tail. But chasing their tail can signal your pup is dealing with some deeper issues. Please review our list of some of the most common causes of tail chasing.