Boxer Mix Learns to Filter out Distraction

Mike Wheeler and Sit Means Sit Madison employees are awesome. They are not only professional and organized, but very personable in serving the wide variety of canine personalities and their owners. I had previously been to puppy classes and dog training classes around this area and in California. I have never had any training from those classes like I have received from Mike and Sit Means Sit. Previously in the classes if my dog did not do the command correctly or obey what they were to do, it was never worked on right there with a professional trainer and I never received any further help with that problem, they would just move on in class. That is definitely NOT the case with Mike and Sit Means Sit. The availability of Mike and staff to be there to answer questions and help guide you through the difficult times is unremarkable. Mike is very dedicated to the business and to his clients and willing to go out of his way to help. I have Marvin, which is a boxer mix. Marvin is a great dog in the house and I was able to train him the basic sit, shake, fetch, down, and roll over. But now I realize those are just “tricks”, because Marvin would not come when he was called, he pulled on his walks, was stubborn and would take off on a full sprint of circles in the yard or neighborhood(if he got loose). Marvin is also a “shy/fearful” dog and very unpredictable around people and other dogs. This behavior made me uneasy when I walked him and dreaded taking him out for fear he would go after someone or someone’s dog. We knew this needed some professional help before it got out of hand. We search the internet and came upon Sit Means Sit Madison. They were very prompt in getting back to us and we were set up with an “in home” evaluation of Marvin. Well, like we had suspected upon Mike’s arrival, Marvin didn’t like him and tried to bit Mike. For sure I thought Marvin had flunked the evaluation, but thank goodness for Mike and Sit Means Sit he took on Marvin and agreed to help us out. By the end of the evaluation Marvin was off his gentle leader and following Mike around the house, it was amazing to see Marvin react that way so quickly. We knew this would be the right road to take for Marvin and weren’t hesitant at all to sign him up with Mike and Sit Means Sit. Another awesome future of Sit Means Sit is the fact that you can continue with training during the “group” sessions that are great and we look forward to those classes. You’re always learning and able to ask for any help or advise you may need. We are so impressed with Mike and Sit Means Sit that we are going to start training our other puppy too now. We are looking forward to the times ahead with Marvin and Zayda without hesitations of being able to take them wherever we can. So if you have a dog that you have tried everything with, please don’t give up on them, instead contact Sit Means Sit Madison, it’s worth every penny, you and your dog won’t be disappointed.
