Winter Bathroom Issues? Part 1

Even though it is March, Wisconsin will still see some more weeks of winter weather. Now, some dogs love snow and others don’t, but when it comes to eliminating wastes, it is very common for dogs to have problems. If your dog has troubles eliminating in snow, you’ve come to the right blog!

Dog usually have issues for two main reasons: experience and cold. As puppies, if they do not experience eliminating on snow, there is a good chance they never learn it’s okay. They will see the snow and think they should not eliminate on it. They will prefer the surface they learned on, whether that is concrete, leaves, training pads, or grass. Next, many dogs dislike the cold. If they did not grow up in it, they will have a hard time eliminating on it. They won’t want to go out in it in the first place – and then their paws, legs, and bellies get wet and cold, which may make it impossible for them to eliminate. That leads to messes inside! What can you do?

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A majority of dogs will do way better if you go out with them. We know braving the cold and wet every time your dog needs to eliminate isn’t exactly appealing, but if it works, it’s probably better than cleaning up smelly messes indoors. If your dog won’t go in the first 10-15 minutes, go back inside and keep the dog on the leash so it can’t sneak away and eliminate in the house. Wait five to 10 minutes and then try again.

Well, that’s all we have time for today. Read our next blog for more strategies, and contact our dog obedience center for a free consultation!

Read Part 2