Winter Bathroom Issues? Part 3

Winter months present unique challenges to dog owners, and one of the most difficult ones is getting dogs to eliminate in cold, snowy conditions. Madison get its share of snow, and if your dog has trouble eliminating in the cold, it’s probably been a long winter for the both of you. At Sit Means Sit, we understand why dogs have issues – either they are inexperienced or the cold just makes them so miserable, it’s impossible for them to eliminate. We have been sharing some tips for helping your canine friend find relief in the depths of winter – or early spring. We have discussed accompanying your dog, making a snow-free potty spot, and going for a walk. Today, we will discuss a way to train your dog to go in odd situations.

Train Your Dog to Eliminate on Cue

This skill will help your dog find relief in all sorts of different situations. It is best trained in normal circumstances, when the weather and situation are normal. It is a simple process.

  1. Positively reinforce eliminating by rewarding your dog instantly. Do not wait until the dog finishes and runs to you. Instead, stand right by it with a treat and deliver it immediately so your dog makes the right connections.
  2. Once your dog expects a treat, add in the vocal cue. Say it before it eliminates and then follow through with the treat. Do this enough times, your dog will be equipped to follow instructions even if the situation isn’t normal. This will make things easier for the both of you!

When it comes to dog training schools in Wisconsin, there is no better option than Sit Means Sit. Contact us for world-class training expertise!

Winter Bathroom Issues For Dogs – Part 1

Winter Bathroom Issues For Dogs – Part 2