Cane Corso Puppy Training

Client’s Name: BeckyCane Corso Puppy Training

Dog’s Name: “Emmitt”

City: Madison

Breed: Cane Corso

Likes: Snuggle with Mommy
Learn new things

Pet-Peeves: Listen to dad during group classes because he wants to be next to Mommy.

Favorite Toy:Balls-frisbees-stuffless squeeky toys 🙂 He loves to destroy them

Favorite Treat: Mommys homemade treats and freeze dried liver treats

Favorite Walk: He loves to walk the neighborhood because he gets to meet someone new almost every walk. Some people are intimidated by his size though.

Best Trick: Sit, Play dead, Shake hands, Wave bye-bye, Give Mommy a hug

Arrival Story: Purchased him from a breeder in Colorado and he was shipped from a co-breeder in Deleware. We have two wonderful breeders !!!

Why Training / Sit Means Sit: Being responsible owners- the Cane Corso is a very strong headed and powerful dog… We chose SMS because Mike was honest and helpful on the very first meeting with him..

Motto: Stubborn Love bug !! Because that’s just what he is !!