Izzie: I’m Cute and I Know It!


Dogs Name:   Izzie

City:   Edgerton

Breed:   Dalmation

Likes:   Izzie loves to play and cuddle.  She also loves trips to the pet store (because of all the treats she gets!)  She loves people too!

Pet Peeves:   Izzie does not like to share with other dogs.  She does not like to share treats, toys, food, attention, etc.  Izzie also does not always like the cat.

Favorite toy?   She likes all of her toys!  Her absolute favorite would have to be a big blue ball (with a small pink ball in the middle) or her squealing pig.

Favorite treat?   She loves her KONG Binkie filled up with peanut butter.  However, she is not too picky, she will eat anything!


Best Trick:   Izzie loves to sit pretty.  Sometimes even if she just thinks you are holding a treat she will come over and sit pretty for you in hopes she will get a reward!

Arrival Story:   I have always wanted a Dalmatian so we searched for nearby breeders.  We ended up traveling to Bourbonnais, IL (about 3 hours from our house) to get her as a puppy.

Tyler_Netzer_Izzy_BIOPIC2Motto:   I’m cute and I know it!  Izzie loves to meet new people because everyone always gives her special attention, and she loves it!