London: Pretty Yellow Lab

London  Nikki_Hoppe_London_BIOPIC2.jpg

Dogs Name: London
City: Verona
Zip Code: 53593
Breed: Yellow Lab
Where did you get your baby: Breeder
Likes: Play with other dogs, go for walks
Pet Peeves: Listen when friends are around, go in kennel
Favorite toy: Squeeky dog
Favorite treat: Chicken, freezed dried liver
Best Trick: Shake
Arrival Story: We got London in March from a breeder near Pardeeville. Our family got another dog after our lab mixed past in Aug. 2014.
Motto: Social butterfly. Loves everyone and every dog.
Why Training/ Sit Means Sit: She needs additional training because she’s a puppy. Listens half the time. Had a friend who used your services and was happy with the results.