Austin Dog Training – Pack of Yorkshire Terriers. Do They Come Cuter Then This?

Picture of two Yorkshire Terriers
"Benji" & "Sammi"

Client’s Name: Stephanie

Dog’s Name: “Benji” & “Sammi”

City: Austin, TX 78735

Breed: Purebred Yorkshire Terrier

Likes: Benji loves a good back massage and belly rube and Sammi loves to play with toys.

Pet-Peeves: Sometimes each other if we get too excited.

Favorite Toy: Sammi loves his yellow toy.

Favorite Treat: Benji likes his cheese while Sammi goes for pretzels.

Favorite Walk: Around the apartment complex.

Best Trick: Benji will “give me five”. Sammi likes to “sit”.

Arrival Story: I bought Benji first when I was in Dallas. He had a lot of energy and loved to play so I got him a playmate and his half brother Sammi. Then came the baby girl pixie to complete the family.

Why Training / Sit Means Sit: To help me and my dogs be more calm and to help with the dominance issues between Benji and Sammi.
