Does Your Dog Have Separation Anxiety?

When you leave your home, does your dog show signs of distress? Does he whine, drool, or ignore his food? And when you return, has he been chewing the windowsills and defecating all over? These are general symptoms of separation anxiety, a common issue for dog owners. Here at our Madison, WI area dog training facility we help pet owners and dogs work through a variety of issues, including separation anxiety. 

If your canine friend is behaving badly while you are gone, he may have separation anxiety. As we said before, dogs demonstrate distress in unique ways, but there are some main symptoms, including:

  • Exhibiting stress and anxiety around your departure
    • Your dog may whine, drool, follow you around, have sweaty paws, or simply lie down. These are general signs of distress.
  • Having accidents
    • The dog who never has accidents except during sickness will suddenly be having them all over.
  • Ignoring food
    • Food will go untouched while you are gone, and then, when you return, your dog will eat it enthusiastically.
  • Trying to escape
    • Your dog may try to find an exit route in desperation. This is a dangerous symptom because your dog can get hurt in the process.
  • Barking
    • Neighbors will complain about this. Some dogs bark constantly; others randomly. Either way, your dog will be making a lot of noise.

Separation anxiety can seem like an impossible issue, but it truly isn’t. At Sit Means Sit, we can come to your home to evaluate what is going on. We are a dog training school that is fully committed to addressing whatever issues are plaguing you and your dog. Contact us today for a consultation!

Read on: Is this Separation Anxiety or Boredom?