Jazzy Baby: She is all that Jazz!

Full Name: Linda C.

Dogs Name: Jazz

Jazzy Sit Means SitBreed: St. Bernard

Likes:  Jazz likes to eat and sleep and be out in our yard

Pet Peeves: She hates getting her nails clipped and does not like flea drops and heart worm medicine

Where did you get your baby from?  Dog Rescue

Favorite toy? She has a lambchop rag toy that squeaks

Favorite treat? She likes any meat treat

Jazz Sit Means SitBest Trick:  She will dig out her lambchop toy from her toy basket and squeak it over and over again for company.

Arrival Story We took her as a favor to a friend who could no longer keep her, due to another of her dogs that would attack Jazz everytime she saw her.

Motto: She is our “Jazzy baby”. Her dad sings that to her.

Why Training/ Sit Means Sit:  We could not walk her because we could not physically control her if we met another dog on her walk.