Creating the proper relationship with your dog.

The relationship you develop with your dog is important.
We need to show our dogs that we are their pack leaders.
It’s not always about being a dominant figure, I have had many clients
throughout the years that do not posses a dominant personality
yet can have full control over their dogs.
Its more about painting a clear picture for our dogs so that they
know what we expect of them.
If you read the article 3 Key to Successful Dog Training,
you’ll see that there are some important factors that play a huge role
in ensuring that our dogs understand what we expect from them.
Think of your training like a painting, you want to create a very clear picture
for your dog of what you are expecting them to do.
In most cases it’s not about how dominant you act but more about how clear of a picture
you are creating for your dog.

Timing, Consistency and Motivation play a very important role
in establishing the proper relationship with our dog. Dogs by nature
want and need a leader so it is important that we claim that role or
our dog will think it is up to him to claim that role for us.
That does not mean we have to act dominant with our dogs.
Hitting and yelling at them will only confuse them, its our job
to guide them, not scare them or confuse them.

Some examples of how we can claim the role of pack leader
are quite simple. Teaching your dog to wait at the door until
after you have entered shows that you are the leader.
Making them sit and wait for their food shows them that you
are their resource for food. Not giving them attention when
they nudge your hand while your watching T.V. tells them that you
are in control of everything, including when they get attention.
Those simple lessons will show your dog a clear picture
of your role and theirs.

We should always be fair and consistent with our dogs, not harsh.
Find out what motivates your your dog. Whether it’s food, toys or attention,
use those as positive tools in your training. Dogs like to please their leaders so
when they see you smiling and happy and willing to give them a reward for what they
have done, they are motivated to keep repeating the right behavior.