Protecting Your Dogs Paws

Protecting Your Dogs Paws

Remember when you first brought your puppy home and everyone always played with their paws ? Well, this is actually a habit we should always keep.
Our dogs rely on us to keep them healthy and a very important part of that job is caring for their paws. They use their paws for practically anything. Shaking our hands, holding on to that big ole bone you bought him for his birthday and most important , walking.
Starting at a very young age, you should get your pooch comfortable with you handling their paws and in between the toes. They may not like it at first but the more you do this the more they will enjoy it. I started giving my pup a massage the first day I got him and now he is not bothered with me touching any part of his body. Start off doing this several times a day, the more you do it when they are young the less of a problem you will have when they are older.
Just in case your wondering WHY exactly you should be getting your pup used to touching his paws, the answer is quite simple, in order to properly care for your dogs paws, he has to trust you to touch them.
If you can hear your dogs nails clicking when he walks , it’s probably time to trim them. Ask your vet about what types of trimmers may be best for your pooch. If you don’t feel comfortable trimming them yourself then you can ask your vet to cut them or better yet, take him for a puppy pedicure.
At least twice a week you should rub your pup paws and in between each toe to make sure there is no debris stuck anywhere. If you can, remove the debris to prevent it from getting stuck or puncturing their skin. If you don’t feel comfortable doing this then you should make an appointment with your vet to have it removed.
It’s also good to check to make sure your pups pads are not cracked or have any open sores on them. If they are dry and cracked you can purchase several different products from your local pet supply store or maybe even thru your vet. Never apply a human grade lotion to your pet. If they have open sores contact your vet immediately.
Another way we should be protecting our puppies paws is from the elements. In snowy weather be sure to wipe the paws when coming back inside to remove salts and residue. In the summer, never take your dog for a walk on hot pavement. Walk early in the morning or late evening after the pavement has cooled down.