Can Dogs Catch a Cold?

Can Dogs Catch a Cold?

With flu season in full swing, you might be wondering if your pup can catch a cold too. Yes, they can! But it’s not the same type of cold that humans get, Rhinoviruses. Pooches tend to get colds that fall under (bacteria) Bordetella Bronchiseptica and (viruses) Parainfluenza Virus. These are different from the canine flu. Some dog colds are referred to as kennel cough or canine cough, but these infectious viruses usually stem from a combination of sources.

Transferred from Humans?

Fortunately, most viruses are specific to a species, meaning you will not give your dog your cold and they can’t transfer their illness to you! It is rare that viruses are shared with your dog, but always do your research to be 100% sure. But, it also may be helpful to have the peace of mind of having someone healthy look after your pooch while you’re fighting off your cold, just in case!


Dog colds can have similar symptoms to humans, so it won’t be hard for you to tell if something is up with your dog. Here’s a list of common cold symptoms to watch for in your dog:

  • Sneezing/Running nose
  • Coughing (may be dry or wheezing like)
  • Discharge coming from the eyes
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Lethargic or not at their usual level of activity
  • Loss of thirst or appetite

If you notice a combination of these symptoms, take your dog to the vet for check-in to make sure it’s not the flu or another potential infection.

Treating Doggie Colds

If your dog has mostly mild symptoms, like a runny nose or sneezing, you can likely treat their sickness at home. Unfortunately, you can’t cure their cold with a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup, but fluids like a low-sodium chicken or beef broth can help your dog stay hydrated! Fluids are extremely important when your dog is sick, so make sure they are eating and drinking (take them to the vet ASAP if your dog refuses). Dogs also tend to lose their strongest sense, smell, so try enhancing the odor of their food to entice them to eat. You can do this by pouring out some tuna can juice into your dog’s food bowl!

If your dog loves to sit in the bathroom with you while you shower, try this hack: turn up the temperature of the water to create a good amount of steam to help loosen up their congestion. Be sure to help keep your dog clean by wiping off their eye and nose discharge with a warm towel compress.  If your pup’s cough persists, have your vet prescribe them canine cough medicine, and remember, dogs cannot take human medicine!

Cold Prevention

The most effective way to prevent colds is to monitor your dog’s interactions with other dogs. Sometimes this may be hard if your dog spends their day at doggie daycare or likes to play with others at the park, but it is the best way to ensure they’re safe! Make sure your dog is up to date on all their vaccines, as well as the pooches they frequent to help prevent or lessen the severity of getting sick.