Safety Tips for Taking Your Dog To A St. Patty's Day Parade

Safety Tips for Taking Your Pup to a St. Patty’s Day Parade

Are you considering taking your pup to a St. Patty’s Day parade? Read below to learn some tips to keep your canine safe!

Be Mindful Crowds

If your canine get anxious in crowds, consider leaving them at home and creating a safe, quiet space for them. However, if your pal can handle the crowds, be sure to keep them close on a secure leash with updated ID information. Furthermore, set ground rules and ensure that your canine will respond to basic training commands to keep them safe. This can include sit, heel, no, and stop.

Gear and Accessories

To stay safe in crowds, use the right gear. For example, use a leash, pet carrier, pet stroller, and reflective gear. Additionally, ensure to pack enough water, food, and snacks for both you and your four-legged friend!

Additionally, it is okay to dress up your furry friend for the occasion if they tolerate clothing and accessories. However, don’t leave them alone with accessories on to ensure their safety. Furthermore, ensure that any clothing you dress your canine in doesn’t impair their range of motion, vision, or hearing.

Keep Fido Away From Beer

Alcohol consumption and St. Patty’s Day go together for many people. However, pets and alcohol do not mix! Keep beer, whiskey, and other beverages away from your canine, and stay alert for any symptoms of alcohol poisoning. For example, keep an eye out for drooling, vomiting, gagging, lack of coordination, distended stomach, seizures, or slowed reflexes.

Danger Foods

Salty and fatty foods, such as corned beef, shouldn’t be fed to Fido. Fatty foods can cause an overgrowth of bacteria in your canine’s digestive system, which can result in an upset stomach, diarrhea, and vomiting. Also, your pal can develop pancreatitis if they are fed fatty foods frequently. Additionally, any food with onions or garlic should also be avoided. So, keep plates out of reach and throw out all scraps in a trash can.

Follow the tips above to keep your companion safe while you are out and about celebrating at a St. Patrick’s Day Parade!