Health & Safety

Safety Tips for Taking Your Dog To A St. Patty's Day Parade

Safety Tips for Taking Your Pup to a St. Patty’s Day Parade

Are you considering taking your pup to a St. Patty’s Day parade? Read below to learn some tips to keep your canine safe! Be Mindful Crowds If your canine get anxious in crowds, consider leaving them at home and creating a safe, quiet space for them. However, if your pal can handle the crowds, be…

Is CBD Safe for Dogs?

CBD, or cannabidiol, has gained a lot of attention in recent years for its potential health benefits for both humans and pets. But when it comes to giving CBD to dogs, pet owners understandably want to know if it’s safe. Let’s explore the safety of CBD for dogs and what you should consider before giving…

How to Help Your Dog’s Runny Nose

It’s not uncommon for people to get sick when the seasons change, and as winter rolls around, you may notice yourself or others getting a little sniffly. But did you know that it’s common for dogs to get a drippy nose too? If you notice your dog has a runny nose, here are some things…

What Does it Mean if a Dog Has a Pseudopregnancy?

Pseudopregnancy, also known as false pregnancy or phantom pregnancy, is a condition that affects female dogs. It can be very complicated and challenging to help your dog through it. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about pseudopregnancy. What is False Pregnancy? False pregnancy is what we call it when your unspayed…

What is Colitis in Dogs?

What is Colitis in Dogs?

Your dog’s health is one of the most important things to you. So, when they’re sick, it’s probably a scary feeling, especially if you don’t know what exactly the vet is talking about. If your dog has been diagnosed with colitis you may be thinking “what’s that?” Here’s a quick guide to read up on…

Can Dogs Catch a Cold?

Can Dogs Catch a Cold?

With flu season in full swing, you might be wondering if your pup can catch a cold too. Yes, they can! But it’s not the same type of cold that humans get, Rhinoviruses. Pooches tend to get colds that fall under (bacteria) Bordetella Bronchiseptica and (viruses) Parainfluenza Virus. These are different from the canine flu….

Why Won’t Your Dog Eat out of the Food Bowl

  Dogs have all kinds of strange habits that not even professionals can understand. One common behavior is when they refuse to eat their food out of the bowl. Dogs will take a mouth full of kibble to another location of the room, empty it on the floor and then proceed to eat. This seems…