Take Your Dog to the South Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade!

If you are looking for a way to get in the St. Patrick’s Day spirit with your pooch, look no further than the South Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade! This dog-friendly parade will be held from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on March 19, 2023, in South Boston!

The parade route will start at Broadway station, loop around South Boston, and end at Andrew Square. A full map of the parade route is available here.

History of the Parade

Bostonians were the first people in North America to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17, 1737, as an act of solidarity towards Irish immigrants who were new to the city. The Irish community in Boston joined together to celebrate the Patron Saint of Ireland by throwing banquets and parades, which later became common celebrations. The parade first began by the Ancient Order of Hibernians but in 1901, it was moved to South Boston, as it was home to a large Irish community.

The parade is now held every year on the closest Saturday to March 17 to keep the tradition of honoring heritage alive.

Taking Your Pet to a Parade

When taking your dog to a parade, it is important to keep your pet’s safety at the top of your priority list. This means:

  • Know your dog – If your dog isn’t the crowd type, it may be best to keep them home
  • Check their collar- ensure your dog’s collar fits correctly and their tags are up-to-date just in case they get away from you
  • Do some research – search ahead of time for some places off the main parade route where you may be able to let your dog get some water, take a rest, and have a quiet moment
  • Prioritize your pup – amidst all the fun, make sure you are always aware of how your dog is feeling and be prepared to leave whenever they seem to have had enough excitement

St. Patrick’s Day is an amazing holiday celebrating Irish heritage and your dog will love joining in on the fun at the parade!