Do Dogs Talk to Each Other Without Barking?

Do Dogs Talk to Each Other Without Barking?

Dogs communicate both subtly and blatantly all the time, we just have to know what to look for. Below are some basic signals dogs give us and other dogs to tell us what they’re thinking and feeling.

Facial Expressions

Dogs do a great job of expressing themselves with their face. A relaxed dog generally has soft eyes with their ears forward and their mouth open. If you notice eyes looking away with ears to the side and teeth clenched, your dog is probably feeling anxious. A dog trying to intimidate will usually stare with their ears forward, showing teeth. The face of a dog in fear tends to have dilated pupils, be panting, and have a tense jaw.


Sometimes we saw a dog slap another dog. It looks goofy, but this is actually them greeting the other dog and showing their trust in them. Rearing up on their hind legs is also a sign of affection in dogs, almost like a hug. A dog trying to play will bow, with their front end down and their rear end in the air. This can also be a signal that they didn’t mean to play so rough. Dogs playing will also bite each other. They are careful not to bite sensitive areas on them, a skill they pick up as puppies.

Head Position

A high head and neck can signal a dog that is interested or challenging; head down can be a signal of submission or depression. Reading their head on another dog’s back displays dominance.


Of course dogs communicate verbally as well. According to studies, there are thousands of different barks, using various pitches and volumes to display emotion.

Take some time to watch your dog with other dogs. You’ll start to notice him display more emotion and communication than your originally thought!