How To Keep Your Dog Safe In Summer

How To Keep Your Dog Safe In Summer

Summer time means lots of outdoor fun and activities such as pool parties and picnics. We try to include our dogs in a lot of these activities as well.

However, be careful and make sure to keep your dog safe and protected.

Below are some tips to keep that pooch protected while having summer time fun.

1. Watch For Sunburns

Believe it or not, dogs can get sunburned under all that fur, especially those with lighter colored fur. Pet-approved sunscreen can be applied and regularly reapplied to keep your dog safe.

2. Safety Around Pool

Make sure, before throwing your dog in the pool, that they want to swim. Not all dogs are natural swimmers. Your dog can take swimming lessons to become a natural swimmer. Check to see if there is a place in your local area to get your pup a few lessons.

Make sure to watch that your dog isn’t drinking the pool water as well. It can cause irritation in the stomach.

3. Rules For Guests

Summer is the perfect time for barbecue’s and picnics, but make sure your guests knows the rules around your dog. Such as keeping items like corncobs and foil out of reach because they can cause digestive issues.

4. Keep Those Paws Safe

The pavement can be hot, so make sure to test it with your hand before walking your pup. If it’s too hot to touch then try to remain on the grass. Try to walk in the early morning or late evening to keep your pup’s paws cool.

5. Don’t Leave Them in The Car

Make sure you think about where you are going before deciding to bring your dog. Leaving your dog in the car, especially on super hot days, can lead to heat exhaustion and possibly death. Even cracked windows don’t always help.

Consider these tips when planning your summer fun with your pooch!