How to Help Your Dog Adjust to a New Home

How to Help Your Dog Adjust to a New Home

Moving is stressful. Now imagine being uplifted from your home and transplanted in a new home. New smells, new rooms, maybe even new furniture. Let’s go over some ways to help make your dog’s transition smoother and easier on him.

Let Him Explore

Take your dog to your new home and let him sniff around. It’s even better if you can take him there a few times. This helps him become more comfortable with the new smells and surroundings and becomes something familiar.

Make the House a Home

Try not to change everything out when you move. Your dog knows and loves his toys, blankets, favorite bones, or beds. You may want to spoil your pup on the move and get new items, but familiarity is very important to adjusting to a new place. He may not have his favorite spot on the couch if you got a new one, but he can always go to his blanket for a safe space if you bring it along.

Explore the Neighborhood Together

Taking walks together not only helps your dog acclimate, but you can figure out the lay of the land as well. Choose new routes or paths to take, with plenty of sniff time. You might even start crossing paths with other walkers and make a friend!

Spend Quality Time Together

There is a lot of change with a move and we can’t very well explain to our pups what is happening. Taking some time out of your busy day can not only ease your pup but can help manage your own stress also. This can be cuddles, belly rubs, fetch, or tug. Switch up your quality time too. Some can be relaxing and some can be more playful. Either way, it’s imperative to remind your dog he is still yours and although you have moved together, you aren’t going anywhere without him.

Besides making your dog feel comfortable and safe, there are safety measure that are important to take during the moving process. Doors inevitably get left open, boxes with seemingly inedible items disappear, and paws can get stepped on or tripped over. If possible, have a close friend or family member watch your dog outside of your home while you move. There’s a lot chaos and commotion during a move than can cause increased stress levels.

After your move is complete, find out your dog’s new favorite spots and put his favorite things there. It may be the morning sun in the kitchen or the front window where he can keep watch. Try not to leave him alone for very long after the move. Do what you can to make him as comfortable as possible.