Why Does My Dog Sunbathe?

Why Does My Dog Sunbathe?

Why Does My Dog Sunbathe? There are a couple of reasons why your pooch might enjoy basking in the sun. It’s not only a great source of Vitamin D – but it also just feels good. So their lounging in the sun is not only a benefit to their health, but it’s also just something they enjoy – let’s dive into the specifics of those.

Why Vitamin D Is Important for Fido

Vitamin D is actually considered more of a hormone than it is a vitamin because our furry friends manufacture it in response to direct sunlight. However, it is still technically considered a vitamin because our pups can’t absorb calcium without it. Kept in the fatty tissues of the body and liver, Vitamin D helps regulate the calcium and phosphorus balance that Fido’s body needs. Vitamin D is also a crucial component when it comes to bone formation, as well as muscle and nerve control.

Your furry friend received most of their Vitamin D through their diet, but they still create it with direct sunlight (just like their pet parents).

The Science of Sunbathing

When we lay out in the sun, the rays help break down the oils in our skin that create Vitamin D.  Dogs similarly have the same chemicals on their skin that convert Vitamin D when under direct sunlight. However, due to our canine companions’ fur, Vitamin D3 can’t be efficiently absorbed back into their bodies. So the Vitamin D3 stays on their hair and later gets ingested when they groom themselves. So next time you see your furry friend grooming themselves, know that they aren’t just cleaning themselves – they’re also getting some Vitamin D.

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Sunbathing?

There is always such thing as too much of a good thing – which also applies to your pup’s sunbathing. Too much sun exposure can lead to sunburning and even skin cancer in dogs. Short-haired or hairless breeds are at the most risk for this and should wear dog-safe sunscreen when outside for prolonged periods of time. This is especially important because human sunscreen has zinc oxide in it – which is toxic to pets.

Dogs lay in the sun for various reasons. Just know, in moderation – there’s nothing wrong with it, and that it can actually be beneficial to their health. But too much can be harmful to their health – so it’s essential to know where that happy medium is for Fido.