The Best Dog Breeds for Cat Owners

The Best Dog Breeds for Cat Owners

A lot of people like to pick sides when it comes to cats and dogs, proclaiming they are either a dog person or a cat person. But there are many pet parents out there who love both for their unique qualities and characteristics. If you own a cat and are considering getting a dog or have a dog and want to get a cat, here are the dog breeds that will most likely mix the best with a feline companion.


Beagles traditionally were used for hunting in packs, and sometimes even on horseback. So getting along with other animals was pretty much in the job description. Beagles love to have company and are very social dogs that display a level-headed, pleasant personality. Due to these reasons, they tend to live happily with other animals, including felines, that they view as members of their overall pack.

Basset Hounds

Just like Beagles, Basset Hounds were once used at hunting dogs due to their impressive sniffing abilities. These pups tend to be gentle, slow-moving canines – which are great traits when living with a cat since they can be frightened and irritated by too much energy or excitement that some dogs produce. Basset Hounds are also very patient and loyal pups who tend to go with the flow, so cats don’t usually bother them at all.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Now, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels were very far from hunting dogs back in the day. Instead, these pups were in the Toy Group and were bred to be lap dogs and loyal, loving companions. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are extremely sweet and gentle dogs that can get along with just about any living creature they come across (cats included).

Border Collies

Collies, in general, are known to be lovers, not fighters, as Lassie showed us on many occasions. Even though many herding breeds tend to not live well with cats, Border Collies tend to be the exception. These canines are much mellower than most herding breeds and have been known to be extremely gentle around children and other family pets.

Golden Retrievers

Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular breeds in the U.S., which is typically due to their gentle nature and exceptionally good manners (and yes, that extends to cats, not just humans). These pups are very outgoing and adaptable to new situations, so many tend to live successfully with cats – just as long as they are properly introduced.

There are many more dog breeds out there that have shown to be able to happily coexist with felines, so don’t get discouraged if your pooch wasn’t on the list. Even canines who may have a reputation of not getting along with cats can sometimes be the exceptions to the rule. Your best bet is to try to properly introduce the two animals to see if there’s a chance of them getting along.