The Importance of Walking Your Dog

Exercise and walking your dog is extremely important. Not only does walking keep your dog fit and in shape, but it also keeps them happy, well trained, and behaving properly. Walking improves the bond between you and your dog, which helps so many other aspects of your life. Check out some reasons why walking is so critical to keeping your dog the best pouch they can be!


If your dog doesn’t take walks or get outside often, they can unfortunately gain weight and become obese. If that happens, it can lead to more serious issues with their health. To ensure this doesn’t happen, make sure your dog is getting a least an hour of exercise a day, possibly more depending on the breed or age of your dog. If your dog is older, it can also be less. In general, keeping a dog well exercised is the key to your dog being successful in other ways. While you may think putting your dog outside for an hour is enough, they sometimes need a routine or instruction. Make sure you are outside with them, helping them get that exercise.


Walking is more than just time to get exercise. It can also be a time to train and teach your dog new things. Your dog should be trained to walk on a leash and follow you, not be the one who is in charge. When you’re on these walks, work on commands like sit, stay, and heel. If you want to really work on the training, bring treats along with you and reward your pup when they do well and listen.


Your dog also needs walks and exercise to keep their body busy. A tired dog is a happy, well behaved dog. If your dog isn’t getting their exercise, they may take all that pent-up energy and take it out in inappropriate ways, such as chewing or digging. Understand that by taking them for the hour long walk, you are avoiding more serious or time consuming issues down the road.


If your dog is the only pup in your home, odds are they don’t see many other dogs on a daily basis. This is another reason walks are so important. They get to meet other pups! When you go on a walk around the neighborhood or head to the dog park, there are bound to be other furry friends waiting to play. Your dog will learn important social skills and become better at interacting with other dogs. If your dog is anxious in these situations, consider a training class to become more socialized. Eventually your dog will find the happy medium between overly aggressive and too shy.


Dogs are like children- they just want to explore and learn as much as they can. It is your responsibility as a dog owner to introduce your dog to new environments. To be a well rounded and happy dog, they need to be taken out to experience new sights, smells, and sounds! Switch it up every once in a while and find unique places that your dog has never experienced!

Find a fun dog park or interesting trail near you to get started. Remember that going on walks will not only keep your dog happy and healthy, but will keep you happy too!