
The Benefits of Using Lick Mats for Your Dog

Lick mats are great feeding devices and toys. So, what is a lick mat and what are the benefits? Read below to learn more! What Is a Lick Mat? A lick mat is usually made of rubber or silicone. It has a textured surface and is similar to a slow feeder. So, soft treats or…

Tips on Having a Safe Thanksgiving with Fido

We can’t imagine leaving Fido out of the Thanksgiving festivities. However, the safety of our companions is still our number one priority! So, read below for tips on how to have a safe Thanksgiving with Fido. Guests Having more guests in your home than normal means more activity and noise. Some dogs love visitors and…

Tips for Stoping Dog Tracks From Getting in Your House

No one likes a messy house, especially if your furry friends are making that mess. If your companion tends to track around the mud, you probably don’t appreciate them tracking it into the house or on you! If you are looking to keep muddy paws to a minimum, check out the tips below! Dog Paw…

How to Stop Your Dog's Continuous Barking

How to Stop Your Dog’s Continuous Barking

If your dog is an avid barker, it may seem like there’s no end in sight to their constant noise. But, there are a few tips to help control your pooch’s excessive barking! After all, both you and your neighbors are probably tired of hearing the unnecessary yapping from your furry friend. Read on to…

Dog Walking Tips

January is National Walk Your Dog Month, so in celebration, we wanted to share some of our favorite tips for walking your dog. Consider Using a Harness While leash training is essential, the type of leash you’re using is also a significant factor. One of the most significant problems many pet parents face is their…