Learn Dog First Aid Online!

You may be First Aid certified but have you considered being certified in Dog First Aid? Read below to learn more on how you can learn first aid for your furry friend!

Why Is Dog First Aid Important?

Dogs are very curious and can get into things that they shouldn’t. Emergencies may occur in or out of your home. So, it is important to be prepared. This way, you can act quickly and effectively. There is always the risk of your pal eating toxic food or chemicals, injuring themself, choking on an object, or having other mishaps that would require first aid knowledge. If a situation is urgent, it may be unlikely that your vet is able to help immediately. You will have peace of mind knowing that you can help your furry friend in case of an emergency.

What Are Some Examples of an Emergency?

Learning first aid for your pup will help you recognize an emergency. These situations include if your pal is not breathing, has difficulty breathing, is unresponsive, may have broken bones, has difficulty moving, has a seizure, may have eaten something toxic, or has been vomiting or having diarrhea for more than 24 hours.  Additionally, you know your dog best. If you notice any change in behavior or anything else abnormal, this is a key indicator that something may be wrong and you should act quickly.

Learn Online

American Red Cross offers an online dog first aid training service. With this 35 minute course you can learn the basics of first aid from checking vital signs to learning how to care for emergency situations such as cardiac emergencies, bleeding, or seizures. Additionally, you will receive a digital certification once you complete the course! And, you can review the course material anytime. So, you can be constantly reviewing or refreshing your memory to be prepared for anything. Also, the American Red Cross Pet First Aid app is a great reference to have on your phone. Then, you can deliver fast and effective care for your furry friend whenever they may need it.

We always want to take the best care of our companions that we possibly can. Being first aid certified for your four-legged friend will ensure that your pal is always in good hands!