Tips for Stoping Dog Tracks From Getting in Your House

No one likes a messy house, especially if your furry friends are making that mess. If your companion tends to track around the mud, you probably don’t appreciate them tracking it into the house or on you! If you are looking to keep muddy paws to a minimum, check out the tips below!

Dog Paw Washer

A paw washing cup is great for quickly cleaning your pup’s paws. All you need to do is fill the cup with water, place their paw in the cup, twist, and then dry! Additionally, you can keep this tool at home or take it with you on walks or travel.

Trim Their Nails

Dirt tends to collect around your four-legged friend’s nails. By keeping their nails short, you will reduce the amount of buildup and the amount of dirt they can track around the house.

Keep Their Paws Trimmed

This is especially important if your pal has long hair. Keeping their feet neatly trimmed will not trap as much dirt. Additionally, the grooming style that shows their toe beans will reduce the dog tracks in your home.

Paw Wipes

Baby wipes are easy to carry and are perfect for cleaning on the go. But, you can also use Paw Wipes that remove dirt and odor while protecting your pals paws.

“Paw” Command

Teaching your companion the paw command will help make cleaning their feet much easier. Then, you can keep them from tracking dirt into the house if you sit them down to clean their feet before they go in.

Dog Booties

Dog booties are fantastic and easy to clean. They will collect the dirt and keep your pal’s paws clean underneath. But, your dog may not like the feeling of shoes. So, don’t force them if your dog is uncomfortable.

Follow these tips to help manage muddy paws. Keep your pup and your home clean!