Toys & Games to Play with Your Puppy

Toys & Games to Play with Your Puppy

Just as you would expect to buy new toys for a baby, you should plan on purchasing some new games for a new pup! Your puppy will likely be full of energy and playing with them is a great bonding activity for your new family member. Before they start gnawing on your shoes and tearing up the couch, consider purchasing some toys of their own that they can safely play with. Here are some games and toy guidelines for you and your new pup!

The Bigger the Better

Again, similar to babies, young puppies are at greater risk of choking on their toys. Make sure toys are large and sturdy, without small parts that could fall off into your dog’s throat. Don’t go so big that your pup can’t get their jaw around it, but bigger is generally safer. While hand-me-down toys are cost-effective, make sure that the toys aren’t broken or worn down. Otherwise, they could pose a risk to your little one! The most important thing to keep in mind when purchasing toys for your pup is their safety.

Don’t Forget the Classics

Many new pet owners are set on trying new toys and games, but sometimes it’s better to stick to the classics! Simply playing fetch with a tennis ball or variations is great exercise and mental stimulation for your dog. You can add some fun variation by taking your pup to the park or “faking” them out every so often. You’ll be amazed at how quickly your dog learns from such a simple game! However, we do recommend avoiding tug-of-war or wrestling, as this could encourage aggressive behavior at a young age.

Mind Games

By mind games, we don’t mean the malicious kind, but rather the ones that come in a box and are specially designed to enhance your pup’s learning. There are plenty of puzzles, treats, and toys that can challenge stimulate your dog. Even something as simple as a Kong toy can teach your puppy patience and discipline. They even come in extra-small sizes for your little one! You can also check out our list of toys that stimulate your pup’s brain for some more inspiration.

When it comes to puppies, keeping them entertained at all times can be very difficult. With these toys and games, though, keeping your pup stimulated will be easy! You’ll raise them to be their best, smartest self in no time.