Why Dogs Scoot

Why Dogs Scoot

Scooting is something that all pet parents dread – their dogs bum dragging across the floor. This typically is happening because of some sort of discomfort with their glands, allergies, or itchiness. 

Why They Scoot

There are several reasons why your dog could be scooting such as irritation, allergies, parasite, or neoplasia. The most common issue, though, is anal gland problems. When they are having anal gland issues, they scoot to relieve the irritation and soreness. These issues are typically caused by the glands becoming infected and the liquid scent becomes trapped in these glands. When this is the issue, you will most likely find a strong, fishy odor coming from your dog.

What to Do

When you catch your dog scooting, you should check under their tail for irritation. If you find an obvious irritant like a stick, then remove it immediately. If there is no indicator, you should take your dog to the vet. If you do not go to a veterinarian soon after, the infection can spread and cause further issues.


Your vet will most likely drain the glands if they are the problem, but an anti-inflammatory might be necessary if the problem persists. Following some simple guidelines may stop these problems. Feeding your dog a high-quality diet, getting parasite prevention, and fiber supplements are all good mechanisms to combat dog scooting.

Scooting can be a sign of simple irritation with a quick fix or a potential medical condition and you should check with your vet to dive deeper.