Why Sugar is Bad for Dogs

Why Sugar is Bad for Dogs

Most pet owners know that sugar is bad for dogs, but few know why it’s so bad for dogs. After all, sugar is an essential part of any diet, so why is it necessary to avoid it? Read on to learn more about why sugar is bad for dogs.

Sugar Can Be Toxic

Dog owners have been warned about the dangers of chocolate, which can be extremely toxic to dogs. The reason? Chocolate contains theobromine, which can be lethal in excess. Dogs can’t process theobromine, so it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, excessive urination, racing heart rate, and even seizures. The artificial sweetener xylitol can also be toxic, so keep your pups away from anything that contains xylitol, too. Always check food labels, know which plants are toxic to dogs and be aware of other dog poisons found in homes.


Just like us, if our dogs eat too much sugary food without enough brushing, they are prone to cavities. When bacteria in the mouth use sugar, it produces acids. Acids, in turn, remove enamel that coats teeth and result in dental disease. For this reason, you should feed your dog foods that are low in carbohydrates and stick to a consistent tooth-brushing schedule. Doggie toothbrushes and dog-friendly toothpaste is your best defense against cavities!

Weight Gain

Weight gain is a huge health risk for our dogs, and sugar is a large contributor. If you’re constantly giving your dog sugar, they can gain weight and end up stressing their joints and heart in the future. If your dog becomes overweight, their quality of life may decrease over time and they won’t be able to be as active. While sweet treats are nice every so often, satisfying that sugar craving is definitely not worth your dog’s long-term happiness, health, and wellbeing!


Weight gain and increased sugar intake can also lead to diabetes. Dogs with diabetes have problems processing sugar because their pancreases either fail to produce insulin or make very little insulin. This leads to high blood sugar and can cause long-term health problems for your dog. Diabetes is a scary and sometimes inevitable condition in dogs, so you should do what you can to prevent its occurrence in your dog — don’t allow them to consume too much sugar.

Upset Tummy

Aside from the very real health concerns from consuming too much sugar, you should also know that consuming too much sugar can lead to an upset stomach in your furry friend. The last thing we want is for our dogs to feel uncomfortable or sick, and sugary treats can lead to imbalanced stomachs and even diarrhea or vomiting in our dogs. Therefore, when you can, limit your dog’s intake of sugary foods and keep their diet as clean as possible.

Allowing your dog to consume sugar puts them at risk for a great deal of health issues that you and your dog will want to avoid whenever possible. As a loving, responsible pet parent, it’s your job to maintain their healthy diet and keep them away from harmful foods, like sugar, when possible.