Tips for Showing Your Dog Affection

Tips for Showing Your Dog Affection

Our dogs can share with us and show their affection, but it may look different from how we do. Showing affection as a human is relatively easy, shown simply with the phrase “I love you” or a bear hug. However, it can seem less noticeable for animals as they cannot fully communicate with us.

Nose Nudges

Our furry friends may show affection by nestling their noses into their beloved humans. A nose-nudge can mean your pup is thinking about you, wants to cuddle, or seeks attention. When those big puppy-dog eyes accompany that nose bump, it typically means that your dog is expressing their affection for you. 

Puppy-Dog Eyes

When your pet makes eye contact with someone, their brain releases oxytocin, a bonding hormone that indicates affection. When your dog stares at you, especially for long periods, it means that they are very attached to you. Making eye contact does the same for humans, though, so holding eyes with your pup means that your love towards them will grow. 

Deep Sighs

We all know the sounds of our pups deeply sighing as they hang out around us. These moaning noises indicate that your dog is content and happy wherever they are. Whether exhaling as they cuddle into bed or a deep sigh as you watch TV, your dog is comfortable with you.

Cheerful Licks

Although puppy licks can be a little icky if their breath stinks or they got into something they shouldn’t have, these kisses can be endearing. These kisses mean that your dog loves and respects you. When your four-legged friend licks you, they give a doggy version of a big ole smooch.


Many people do not condone this sign of affection, but doggy jumps genuinely mean excitement. When your pup jumps up, they are most likely trying to get closer to your face so that they can see you and lick you. Jumps are just extensions of their affection towards their humans. 

Cozy Relaxation

Instead of being able to hug, many dogs show their affection through a relaxing lean on their humans. When your dog leans up against you, it displays how much they trust and love you. This resting position will probably leave all their body weight on you accompanied by sleepy eyes, sighs, and maybe a simple wag or two. 

Belly Rubs

The standard rollover for a belly rub means more than your dog wants to be scratched; it implies that they love you. If your dog rolls over while around you, it shows that they trust you and feel as if they can relax while in your presence. 

These are some ways that your dog shows you affection in their everyday activities. You can show your pooch that you reciprocate their love by following suit and participating in some of these actions.