Are All Dog Bones Safe?

Dog bones are naturally one of the first things pet owners pick out for their pets, without knowing the pros and cons of different types. Bones vary from plastic squeakers to pig ears to cow femurs; with a shelf full of hundreds of bones, how do owners know what to choose? When choosing a dog bone, the health aspects of your pet’s teeth and gastrointestinal tract are at risk. Dogs have hollow teeth, and if they break from rigid bones, they’re openly exposed to bacteria and infections. Another aspect to consider is how it will affect your pet’s tummy; some bone materials could result in a tummy ache or other drastic GI tract infections.

This article can be used as a bone shopping guide to get the safest chewing apparatus for your furry friend!

Safest Bones for Fido

Pig Ears

Pig ears are not only the most sustainable option but also one of the healthiest! Dried pig ears are the best choice for pet owners because they’re thin enough not to harm Fido’s teeth and provide great nutritional benefits.

Bully Sticks

Made from bull muscles, bully sticks are an excellent bone option due to their non-splintering factor. Instead, the ends will soften and act as a natural toothbrush for your pet. Bully sticks are offered in a variety at pet stores, and we recommend picking one bigger than Fido’s snout so they can’t swallow it whole.

Okay-ish Bones

Dental Bones

Doggy dental bones are popular among pet owners for their convenience and effectiveness. Toss one to your pet, and poof! Doggy breath is gone! On the other hand, dental bones aren’t the best option for improving Fido’s health. Sometimes these bones can cause dogs stomach issues because they’re hard to digest.

Yak Cheese

The newest dog bone fad is Yak Cheese! Composed of yak milk, salt, and lime juice, these blocks of dried cheese can be good bone alternatives. However, due to the hard, dense makeup of the cheese, these can be brutal on a pet’s dental health. We recommend only giving Fido the large block, so there aren’t pieces small enough to solely chomp on.

Bones to Avoid


Rawhides have been a hot topic of debate over the last several years due to them being linked to a salmonella outbreak in 2017. Rawhide bones are made of horse or cowhide, but they break down into choke able pieces and can clog your pet’s GI tract.

Plastic Bones

Due to their hard composition, plastic bones are unsafe for Fido’s teeth. The durable plastic has no give and results in broken or cracked teeth.

Raw Animal Bones & Antlers

According to the American Kennel Club, raw or cooked poultry or pork bones are not recommended for pets because they splinter into shards that can be detrimental to your pet’s mouth, throat, or stomach lining.

Check out these related articles for more info on pet safety!

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The Biggest Dangers for Fido in the Fall

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