Health & Safety

Natural Remedies for Doggy Bad Breath

Natural Remedies for Doggy Bad Breath

What happens when that once-adorable puppy breath starts to take on a less-than-pleasant aroma? Don’t fret! Bad breath, or halitosis, is common among our furry friends and is often remedied with simple, natural solutions. In this guide, we’ll explore effective and safe ways to freshen up your pup’s breath, leaving them with minty-fresh kisses once…

Does My Dog Need Sunscreen?

Does My Dog Need Sunscreen?

As responsible pet owners, we often go to great lengths to ensure the well-being of our furry friends! We feed them the best food, provide regular exercise, and take them for routine veterinary check-ups. But have you ever considered whether your dog needs sunscreen? While it may seem like an unusual question, protecting your fur…

Diseases You Can & Can’t Get from Dogs

When dogs are diagnosed with infectious diseases like humans, it usually causes pet parents to have the same first question, “Can it spread to my kids or me?”. The answer is yes, depending on what disease they’re diagnosed with. However, most dog diseases are not zoonotic, meaning it passes from animal to human, but there…

Is My Dog’s Earwax Normal?

Earwax is a natural occurrence in all mammals to keep the ear drum clean and debris-free. Foreign objects or lasting moisture within your inner canal can cause minor or significant ear infections; pet parents must keep their fur babies’ ears clean and dry at all times! Dogs should have regular ear cleanings at home monthly…

Are All Dog Bones Safe?

Dog bones are naturally one of the first things pet owners pick out for their pets, without knowing the pros and cons of different types. Bones vary from plastic squeakers to pig ears to cow femurs; with a shelf full of hundreds of bones, how do owners know what to choose? When choosing a dog…

Monkeypox in Dogs?

On July 23rd, 2022, the World Health Organization declared Monkeypox a global emergency. Monkeypox is a self-limited disease that produces flu-like symptoms and leaves rashes and spots on your skin for 2-4 weeks, spread through close contact with cuts/abrasions or bodily fluids. It is possible for your pets to get infected because the virus can…

The Benefits of Massaging Your Dog

Believe it or not, massaging your pet has a variety of benefits. If you’ve ever been to a spa, you’re probably familiar with the relaxation effects that massages have. You probably went home and performed the same moves on your friends and family, but have you ever thought about doing it to your dogs? Stress…

The Best Joint Supplements for Dogs

The Best Joint Supplements for Dogs

Similar to people, dogs’ bodies, organs, tissues, and bones, tend to deteriorate as they get older. Doing a wellness check to see how your pup is doing can be very helpful when determining what lifestyle you all should be living.  Your dog could have arthritis or maybe you would just like to be proactive about…

Toxic Materials Found in Common Pet Products (and How to Avoid Them)

Toxic Materials Found in Common Pet Products (And How To Avoid Them)

Spoiling your pet with toys is fun and an easy way to reward them for good behavior. But it is important for pet parents to be aware of hazardous materials that can be found in some pet products. We have created a list of chemicals that can show up in common pet products. Toxins found…