The Benefits of Massaging Your Dog

Believe it or not, massaging your pet has a variety of benefits. If you’ve ever been to a spa, you’re probably familiar with the relaxation effects that massages have. You probably went home and performed the same moves on your friends and family, but have you ever thought about doing it to your dogs?

Stress Relief

Believe it or not, your dog can get the same sense of relief that you get when you get a back rub. Massages can cause the same endorphin release, which means that they work great for anxious dogs. Reassure them that they’re okay with a nice pat on the back or rub behind the ears. 

Pain Relief

Dogs can get sore, just like you! Figuring out where they’re sore and gently massaging that spot can help relieve a lot of the pain and discomfort your dog might be experiencing. Massages can also help produce endorphins in the brain, like serotonin and dopamine, that act as the body’s natural pain killers. If you think your dog might benefit from a good rub, ask your vet for a specific routine for Fido’s pain. 

Lymphatic Release

Your body produces lymphatic fluid that can build up and clog the lymphatic system, causing a clog of metabolic waste. Massaging your dog can help stimulate the circulation needed for a lymphatic release. Consistent stimulation can help prevent hypertension and edema, two of which can be challenging for dogs to cope with.