These Dog Breeds are Great Around Kids!

Before deciding on a new furry friend, pick a breed that likes children! Each dog breed has its personality, energy levels, and child tolerance, so it’s the parent’s job to research before bringing home a new fur baby. Pet parents must be aware of available living space, adequate outside areas, and space for the dog to have alone time. For more information on the best dog breeds for children, keep reading for breed breakdowns and recommendations!

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

These dogs are described as gentle, calm, and happy around their families! CKCSs are typically between 13-18 pounds and only 12-13 inches in height, so they are perfect playmates for young kids! The American Kennel Club rates CKCSs as 5/5 on their “Good with Young Children” scale, saying these dogs have high tolerance and patience regarding children’s behavior.

Golden Retriever/Labrador Retriever

Labs and Golden Retrievers are always ranked #1 family dogs because they are the best! Also receiving a 5/5, these dogs have lots of vibrant energy but are also great snugglers for naptime. Both breeds are famous for being family dogs, quickly becoming everyone’s favorite family member! Get ready for a never-ending game of fetch!


Described as curious, friendly, and merry, Beagles make fantastic family dogs! Typically between 20-30 pounds, these dogs love their human companions, as they were bred to be in packs and are as loyal as they come. Beagles are also great with other dogs, so if you already have a pup at home, they’ll quickly become good furry friends!


If your children are high-energy, check out Boxers! Boxers are highly active dogs that love exercise and playtime! They are fantastic with children and love to protect their human families! Their calm dispositions make them excellent housepets, but they unleash their puppy energy once outside!


Lastly, Poodles are another breed that is great with kids but also allergy-free! The breed has three sizes, toy, miniature, and standard, so you can find the best fit for your family! If your child is allergic to dogs, research Poodles, which produce the lowest typical allergens.

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